Denbun POP version Manual
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Compose and Send Messages

Compose New Message

To compose a new message, click [New Message] in the tool icons.

New Message

To compose a plain text message

New Message Window

New Message Window

Enter the detail of the message. You can enter the following items.


The E-mail address set by [Preferences]-[Accounts] is displayed.


Enter the E-mail addresses you want to send the message.
To enter more than one address, use "," to separate addresses.

You can add addresses up to 256.
It is possible to specify addresses for "To" "Cc" "Bcc" up to 256 respectively.
If you specify a group, the message is sent to E-mail addresses in the group.
If you specify a group in the address book, the message is sent to the contacts' E-mail address in [E-mail] field on the General tab.
If you specify a group in the user list, the message is sent to the users' E-mail address in [Company] field in the group.


Enter the E-mail addresses if you want to copy the message to other people too. To enter more than one address, use "," to separate addresses.


Enter the E-mail addresses if you want to send the message to people without each of them seeing who the other recipients are.
To enter more than one address, use "," to separate addresses.
* The recipients who are specified in [To] and [Cc] cannot see the E-mail addresses you specified in the [Bcc].


You can select the priority of the message.

Request Read Receipt

Choose whether you wish to request read receipt to the recipients.
To request read receipt, choose [Request Read Receipt] from [Tools] menu.


Enter the subject of the message.

Message body

Enter the message body.
(You can compose a message in plain text or HTML format)
* You can compose HTML messages if your administrator allows users to compose HTML messages in [Allow to compose HTML formatted messages] by the management tool
You cannot compose HTML messages if the administrator chooses "Do not allow".


You can attach files to the message.


If you have created signature(s), you can choose a signature. The selected signature will be added at the end of the message when sending.

Half-wide Japanese characters in "From", "To", "Subject" and "Name of attachment file" are converted to full-wide Japanese characters.

You can use "Auto Complete" feature when entering [To], [Cc], [Bcc].

Auto Complete

Click [Send] button to send the message.

Send Button

Drag & Drop attachment files

If you choose [Enable] in [Preferences]-[Enable Drag & Drop files] and the browser is Internet Explorer, you can use Drag & Drop to attach files.

Drag & Drop

To select E-mail addresses from Address Book

You can also select E-mail addresses from Address Book by clicking [To], [Cc], [Bcc] link.

Show Address Book Button

Contact Selection Screen

You can drag a group, address, or E-mail address and drop it on [To], [Cc], or [Bcc].

To compose an HTML message

Click Switch to HTML Mode link.

Compose HTML

Enter the detail of the message. You can format the messages using the commands below.


You can make text bold.
Select the text and click "Bold" to make the text bold.


You can make text italic.
Select the text and click "Italic" to make the text italic.


You can underline text.
Select the text and click "Underline" to underline the text.


You can change text color.
Choose the color from the pull down menu.


You can align text left.
Select the text and choose "Align Left" to align the text left.


You can align text center.
Select the text and choose "Align Center" to align the text center.


You can align text right.
Select the text and choose "Align Right" to align the text right.


You can create a hyperlink.
Select the text and click "Hyperlink".
On the dialog, enter URL and click [Ok].


You can cancel a hyperlink.
Select the text a hyperlink is assigned and click the button to cancel the hyperlink.

You can insert a horizontal line.
Select the insertion point and click "Horizontal Line" to insert the horizontal line.

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