You can select messages on the message list and the search results screens and download them as a zip file.
* If you wish to use the function, choose "Allow" in [General Settings] - [Allow users to download messages] by using the management tool.
- Download Messages
Select messages you want to download and then click the right mouse button, the menu item [Download] will be displayed in the context menu.
If you choose [Download], the following dialog box will be displayed.
The messages you selected are being compressed into one file.
When the file is ready to download in the server, the following dialog box will be displayed.
To download the zip file, click [Download] button.
- Read messages you downloaded
When you extract the zip file, a file named "_index.html" and the messages formatted in ".eml" are created in "mail" directory.
Although the file name for each message is named a sequence number, when you open "_index.html", you can see the file name and the subject for each file.