Denbun IMAP version Manual
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Directory Service Setting

Windows version: Giving the execute permission for ldifde command to the running user of Web server.
Linux version: ldapsearch command should be ready to use (openldap-clients should be installed)
* We've tested openldap-clients version "2.2.29-1" and "2.3.27-8".
Solaris version: ldapsearch command should be ready to use (SUNWlldap should be installed)

[Directory Service List]
 This section describes the directory services that are used in Denbun's Address Book.

[Add Directory Services]
 This section shows you how to add a directory service.

[Edit Directory Services]
 This section shows you how to edit a directory service.

[Delete Directory Services]
 This section shows you how to delete a directory service.

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